Why Join?
Snowmobiles and dogsleds share the same trails all over the state. As a group we need to unify, educate and protect ourselves
on and off the trails. This will not only enable us as a community to voice our concerns and disseminate information to all types of
trail users but also to educate ourselves and protect our present privileges.
Everyone is important to this cause. Recreational skijorers and weekend mushers are just as important as professional racers.
We all need the support of the NH Statewide Trails Advisory Committee and the use of these trails to pursue a sport we all love.
NHMA works diligently with DRED to obtain permission slips so
that you may operate a motorized training rig while training your dog team on trails where motorized training rigs are not normally allowed. These permission letters are
issued annually to NH Mushers Association members in good standing
We shall be working to extend trail privileges across
the State of NH.
NHMA also works closely with the Army Core of Engineers to
procure permission for you to train at such locations as Hill Village,
Blackwater Dam and Sanbornton.
Become a member of NHMA and help join the effort to keep our trails open to dog mushing and safe for our teams!
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